Leadership and Schroedinger’s Cat

Is the cat dead or alive? Thanks to Sheldon Cooper and friends, many of us are now familiar with Schroedinger’s Cat. Is this just a science thing for scientists doing science work or does it have a wider application? The Science Schroedinger’s…

The Stages of Learning a New Skill

How do you feel about learning something new? Learning something new, particularly a new skill, can be exciting, fun and challenging. But it can also be frustrating. We can find ourselves getting irritated by the time it takes to absorb, apply…

What is a Cognitive Bias?

Great question! Let’s explore a little bit about how our brains function. What is a cognitive bias? A cognitive bias is an unconscious thinking pattern. It happens because our brain processes information through filters such as our personal…

Harness the Power of Networking

Let's have a chat about the people we choose to have around us… Does the thought of “networking” give you an icky feeling?  Does it spark some anxiety?  These are fairly common reactions to the thought of actively heading…

10 Ways to Build Self-Awareness

"Know yourself before you can show yourself" - Mia Mends   An essential quality for all of us - in work, in life, in relationships - is self-awareness.  This is the ability to monitor our own emotions and reactions. Being self-aware…

The 4 E’s of Diversity

Diversity is a word we hear a lot nowadays.  Generally speaking, the call is for more diversity, everywhere and in everything. What does diversity mean for your team?  How does diversity benefit your business? And how can you ensure the…

5 Ways to Reflect on Your Career

We spend much of our time at work.  Statistics estimate we spend approximately a third of our life working…I think for many of us, it's probably more than that.   The work landscape looks different now - more varied than ever before.…

4 Reasons to Kill a Good Idea

Say what?!?   Yes, you read that right and yes, I know you're a bit shocked and confused. Aren't good ideas exactly what we want to encourage? Isn't innovation the lifeblood of a successful business? Innovation IS good. BUT, there…

Avoiding Email Purgatory

Have you ever fired off a message to someone, needing a time-sensitive reply and not heard back? It's frustrating but understandable, given how busy life has become. Communicating effectively with busy people takes a bit of extra effort…

A Guide to Running Productive Meetings

We have all sat through our fair share of uninspiring, ineffective and just plain boring meetings. Which result in having to have another meeting because this one didn’t actually get the needed work done. If we ever find ourselves…